Monday, September 24, 2012

what is coming in EJB 3.2 ?

  • Support for the following features has been made optional in this release and their description is moved to a separate EJB Optional Features document:

    • EJB 2.1 and earlier Entity Bean Component Contract for Container-Managed Persistence

    • EJB 2.1 and earlier Entity Bean Component Contract for Bean-Managed Persistence

    • Client View of an EJB 2.1 and earlier Entity Bean

    • EJB QL: Query Language for Container-Managed Persistence Query Methods

    • JAX-RPC Based Web Service Endpoints

    • JAX-RPC Web Service Client View

  • Support for local asynchronous session bean invocations and non-persistent EJB Timer Service has been added to the EJB 3.2 Lite set of features

  • Restriction on obtaining the current class loader has been removed

  • Access to Java I/O has been relaxed, replacing 'must not' with 'should exercise caution'

  • Lifecycle callback interceptor methods of stateful session beans can now be executed in a transaction context (determined by the lifecycle callback method's transaction attribute)

  • It is now possible to completely disable passivation of a specific stateful session bean

  • TimerService API has been extended for an ability to query all active timers in the same EJB module

  • Default rules for designating implemented interfaces for a session bean as local or as remote business interfaces has been relaxed to include more than one interface (see examples in the document for the detailed rules)

  • List of standard activation properties for JMS message-driven beans has been extended to match the changes in the JMS 2.0 specification

  • A unique identifier of a JMS message-driven bean can be now looked up by a standard name by the JMS resource adapter to construct a subscription name


Ganesh Babu G


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